Wednesday. May 1, 2002.
Happy B-day Suga Momma Yvonne. Tell me if this makes sense or not. Tiana and I have been discussing the stuff that she put in her journal. She said the reason that she put it up, is because she didn't think I would read it. So, wouldn't that mean that what she wrote is her true feelings? Because, if I knew that nobody would read my journal, it would be a lot more agressive. If you were expecting nobody to read it, then you could write whatever you really feel, with no worries about getting anyone upset, because they would never know. I'm willing to take any input on this. If you can set my mind straight, I'm more than willing to take some advice. My way isn't always right. Oh yeah, some sucka from the 240sx club tried to talk sh*t to me in some chat room. Talked mad amounts of smack, trying to be a badass. Talk is talk, when you're ready to back it up, it's a different story. I told him I'd drop $10,000 on a race with him, plus I'd kick his ass for talking about my sister. On IMs, he apologized and said that he was just trying to act cool in the room. Whatever. That just shows that people that talk that kind of sh*t, aren't sh*t. You wanna try and be a badass and talk all big? Back it up sucka, or don't waste my time. One quick note to those people that don't like my car. I really could care less if you like it. Why? Because I built the car for me, not you. Your car can be the lamest sh*t on earth with a KA motor, clear corners, and Konig wheels. But if you like it, then that's all that matters. So talk all the sh*t you want on my car, but one 6 ft. trophy, 15 1st and 2nd place trophies, 2.5 magazine covers, and a feature in Transworld Stance speak for themselves. I was supposed to go to the movies with Patty, but then after we go to the theater, nothing good was showing so we just went to go eat. Actually, let me rephrase that. I ate, since Patty thought that I was so drunk last night that I wouldn't really go to her house today. So, she ate already. Then we went to go play pool. That's pretty much it. |
Thursday. May 2, 2002.
This was Jean's real B-day. I sent her some tulips because I'm a kick ass brother. I had to start packing for my trip to New Jersey, but I had to do my laundry first. After all that nonsense, I went to eat lunch with Pung Yao Kel. I felt like eating Sushi, so we went to some Japanese place in Huntington Beach. I went to PJ's to follow up on some work stuff with him. There's another friend that I barely get to talk to anymore. Mainly because the City of Industry isn't exactly on the way home. Then I went to Blitz to do some sh*t for work also. I saw James Yen there, which is yet another friend that I don't really kick it with anymore. This is horrible. I'm becoming a bad friend. I stopped by Barnes & Noble to buy some more issues of Stance so my parents could bring them back to Hong Kong with them to show my Grandpa and Uncle. The lady asked me what was in the mag that I had to buy so many issues for. I felt like a dick when I said "me." I didn't really know what else to reply with. =T I went to my parent's house and waited for them. After a while, I got hungry so I went to Burger King to get the new chicken Whopper. That sh*t is wack. It's just like some stupid ass chicken sandwich. They can call it a Flying Chicken Super Duper Sandwich for all I give a God damn, it still sucks. No wonder they tell you to cluck for a discout, because it isn't worth $4. Now, I'm hungry still. I didn't even get to go to Kim Chee's b-day dinner. It's because I still hadn't finished packing, it was already 9:30, and I had to wake up at 5am to get to the airport on time. I can't believe Jean's boyfriend broke up with her on her b-day. How f*cked up is that? What an asshole. That tops fathead breaking up with me on her bday. |
Friday. May 3, 2002.
Ah, a nice 5am wake up. I hate leaving the house when it's still dark. I found out that there is a self check in line at the airport for people that have e-tickets. That kicks ass and sucks at the same time. It saves time, but it also increases unemployment. Just like K-mart has the same thing. People were trippen out when they called me because I forwarded all my Cingular calls to my Nextel phone. So if they called my Cingular and I didn't answer, it'd say "the Nextel customer you are trying to reach cannot be located." I'm just getting sick of carrying two phones around. Plus, roaming charges on Cingular are killing me. Jean called me when I was at the airport and told me they caught that sucka that broke into my car. I guess it was some 34 year old loser that still lives with his parents. I almost feel sorry for him, almost. Good thing Jonny and I got our own row, that way we didn't have to sit with any stupid people. I tried to sleep the whole way there because there is pretty much nothing else to do on the plane. We got lost going to our hotel, so we had to drive through some ghetto in Newark to find the right street. It's one of those lame things that you can see from the freeway, but can't figure out for the life of you how to get to it. We went to New York and ate some more Sushi. It was about 50 degrees outside, not too cold. I think it was colder during the day with the wind blowing. Rich and Dan came out, it was like a Super Street reunion, but not really. I can't even remember how many bars we went to that night. Probably like close to six or seven. We met up with the Editor and the Managing Editor of Stance, which was pretty cool. He apologized about how the feature came out, but it's not really a big deal to me. I know that how a story is supposed to come out and how it ends up coming out is completely different. We drank, changed bars, drank, changed bars, well, you get the point. We even went to some crazy club that was playing 80's heavy metal. That f*cken rocks! We walked to Ground Zero. It was strange, so compelling to be there. We all stood there in awe and sorrow. All that was left was a HUGE empty lot with lots of lights. People work on that place 24-7. It's so sad what happened there and we all signed the wall that surrounds it. I think it was a little too emotional for most of us, so we had to leave. Still, it was breath taking. There were white girls dancing to that stuff too. Craziness. |
Saturday. May 4, 2002.
When we got back to our stupid Prizm, we had two tickets for parking too close to the fire hydrant. LAME! Jonny drove back to Newark, I passed out in the car, and when I woke up, the sun was up. WTF? Damn, it was like 6 or 7 am already. We spent the majority of the day at the track. Food at Englishtown is actually pretty decent. Kummi's cousin's husband dropped her off. I felt bad because Jonny and I were on the track the whole time, and she couldn't get out there because she didn't have a media pass. Today was a lot hotter than yesterday. Concerns about getting majorly sunburnt did cross my mind many times. Afterwards, we ate at Michael Jordan's restaurant in the middle of Grand Central Station. Damn, the girls that work there and the place across from there are hot. They have the crazy New York accent too. We went to Kummi's apartment and met her cousin and her cousin's friend Sue. They have two cats and one of them actually liked me. Which is weird, because I don't really like cats since I'm allergic to them. Dan came out, so we went to K-town to drink. It was his first Soju experience, so I was gentle. Haha. Yeah right. Sue knocked out, then she threw up in the bathroom. Jonny threw up in Kummi's water glass. Dan, was pretty messed up. Good thing I brought my camera. On the way back to Kummi's, we stopped by Gray's Pappya's to get some hot dogs. Sue threw up in the back of the rental car. Good thing it's not our car. We left Sue at Kummi's place because she didn't look like she was about to go anywhere. My neck started itching from playing with the cat. Kummi wanted to go to some BG club so we dropped her off by her friends house. Dan was too drunk, so we got him a cab back to Brooklyn. I drove back, Jonny navigated because I can't see sh*t at night without my glasses. I really need to post the pics from NYC up on my site soon. |
Sunday. May 5, 2002.
Woke up, packed, and went to the track. On the way there, some asshole started tailgating me on the Jersey Turnpike. I was already going 90mph, it's like, sh*t go around. I pulled the e-brake, to give him a little brake check, and the faggot flips me off. So, now it's on. I flip him off, he tries to cut me off, but he can't up with the Prizm. Which, is really sad. He tried to roll up next to me, I looked at him, flipped him off, and swerved at him. Remember, it's a crappy rental car. So then Jonny is wiggin out, telling me to slow down. So I slow down, the asshole cuts me off, and is driving halfway in two lanes. I'm thinking, hit me stupid, this ain't my car, and you're gonna f*ck up yours. Needless to say, we go to the track pretty fast. We left the track at 3pm, and we thought we were gonna miss our 5pm flight. Lucky for us, the flight wasn't until 5:40pm, and I got us to the airport at 4:30pm. We had some stupid lady sitting in our row, and she traded spots with some smelly PC dude. This guy took up both armrests, and hung his elbows over Jonny and my seats. WTF? I tried to sleep the whole way, so I wouldn't end up killing this sucka. I got sick when I was in NYC. On the way home, I stopped by Del Taco and got some food, since airplane food sucks ass. Back to my daily routine, made a sandwich, checked my email, took a shower, and went to bed. Actually, before I went to bed, I drank some Theraflu, which knocked me the f*ck out. |
Monday. May 6, 2002.
I actually woke up on time, even though I was super sick and tired. I was actually planning on going to work late, but then changed my mind at the last minute. It's kinda weird, I guess I got some bleach on these pants I was wearing. So in certain light, you could see this weird pattern in the pants. I felt like a FOB. Nothing changed at work, everything is still the same. Same stories, same deadlines, same sandwich, same chips, same life. I think it's pretty lame that I can get text messages on my Nextel phone, but I can't send them. How am I supposed to respond? My Hand Twin told me that Tim got everyone sick at Blitz. That's probably where I got sick from too, since I went there right before I left for Jersey. That's so lame, I hate it when people get me sick. Like last time, Jonny got me sick right before I went to Japan. And it takes me forever to get over the illnesses. After work, I went home and ate some leftover macaroni and cheese mixed with beefaroni. I got a stomach ache from that nonsense. Then, I went with Jean to buy some groceries and medecine. Jean made some tuna pasta, her own version of Tuna Helper I guess. I had a Hot Pocket, and watched WWF (which is now WWE). WTF? Ric Flair is helping the NWO now? Yeah, can they think of a stupider plot? I'm still sick, so I took some Nyquil, and knocked out. |
Tuesday. May 7, 2002.
Still sick as can be. Actually, I think I'm more sick today than I was yesterday. Nothing really exciting happened at work, but then again, nothing exciting ever happens at work. Nads brought his lunch, so we looked like a couple of dorks eating lunch together. Good thing Jean made that pasta, cuz I was getting really tired of eating sandwiches. I decided to eat dinner with my parents tonight because they won't be here on Mother's Day. There's this good pasta place in Santa Fe Springs called Geezers. The plan was to go there so we could watch the Lakers play while we were eating. But the bar was too packed and the game barely started by the time we were done eating. I called Jeannie on the way home, but she was sleeping and mumbling a bunch of nonsense that I couldn't really understand. I waited until halftime to make my lunch for tomorrow. Turkey and ham sandwich again. =T I can't believe the Lakers lost. It's cool though, I'm not one of those hardcore sports fans that get all pissed at the team when they lose, then love them when they win. Nobody can win all the time, and it's so f*cken easy to make good plays when you're sitting in the stands or at home in front of the TV. Patty is asking me to help out her friend that's having problems with his SR20DET motor. After IMing back and forth, I gave up and told her I'd just go down there and check it out. Hopefully I can fix it, but no promises. If he can't get his Blitz Dual SBC ID to work, something is really wrong. That boost controller is so versatile, but it's super simple to set up. I told her if i fixed his car, he'd have to do three things to show gratitude. 1) Buy me a 2 ft. extension cord because I'm sick of reaching behind my closet to get to my cell phone charger plugs. 2) Buy me dinner. And 3) Wear a shirt that says "Rikdaddy Rules!" on the front, and "Sharon Sotto call Ricky" on the back for two weeks straight. More Nyquil, more sleep. |
Wednesday. May 8, 2002.
I'm actually feeling a little better today. Who called me at 1:30am? Still coughing and sneezing like a freak though. Yet another boring day at work. I've alread finished this whole bag of strawberry cough drops. And to tell you the truth, they don't do sh*t. I really need to do my laundry, I look like a total bum today. I called the police station to see if I could get our digital camera back. The guy was absolutely no help whatsoever. I think he was an assitant there or something. The conversation went something like this. Rik: "hey, I just read in the Signal Hill Tribune that you guys caught that car burlar. I was wondering how I would go about getting my stolen articles back. I already made a police report." Ass:"Do you need to make a police report?" Rik:"Umm. No, I already made one. Here's the #." Ass:"Ok, well that's going to be $12." Rik:"$12 to get my camera back?" Ass:"No. To get a police report copy." Rik:"Right. I alredy have one, I just told you. I don't need another one, but thanks. Is there a way I can come down and see if my camera was found." Ass:"They're calling people, they should call you if your stuff is here." Now, how unhelpful was that? When I was going to the 405fwy after work, there was so much traffic on La Ciennega. It seriously took me like 40 minutes just to get to the onramp. And it was all for NOTHING! No accident, nobody pulled over, no blood, no fire! WTF? I don't know what pisses me off more. People that rubberneck and cause traffic, or traffic for no apparent reason at all. It only took me like 10 minutes to get to Patty's house once I got on the freeway. I checked out her friend's car, and after an hour of playing with it, I fixed it. Then I set up his boost controller for him. And normally I refuse to work on a car that Non has worked on. But since he f*cked it up, and this dude was Patty's friend, I did it for him. We ate dinner at TGIF, but this dude didn't bring my 2 ft. extension cord or wear the "Rikdaddy Rules! Sharon Sotto call Ricky" t-shirt. I'm highly disappointed. I think I got more sick because it was cold and I was working on his in Patty's driveway. On the way home, some f*ckball was driving like 25mph all the way up Cherry. It's only one lane, so I didn't wanna pass him. When it changed to 2 lanes, I tried to pass him, but he went in my lane again. So I honked, pulled up next to him, rolled down my window, flipped him off and yelled "f*ck you!" Jean made a bunch of spaghetti for dinner, I'm just gonna bring it for lunch tomorrow. More Nyquil. I was talking to Ruth on the phone and then the Nyquil started kicking in so I had to go knock out before I started talking a bunch of nonsense. |
Thursday. May 9, 2002.
All my efforts to try and go to work late have failed. The Nyquil really isn't kicking in anymore. I just can't wake up later than 7:30am. My day pretty much consisted of calling every Nissan dealer in the US and every junk yard in Southern Cali. I still need to replace my broken window but that sh*t costs $597. You gotta be f*cken kidding. I ate the spaghetti that Jean made, it was pretty good except for the extra, extra, extra garlic that she added. "I like garlic," she told me. Sh*t, I like garlic too, but I don't like smelling like garlic when I'm at work. This sh*t is gonna start coming out of my pores and I'm gonna smell like a bowl of kim chee. Oh yeah, I'm thinking about buying another digital camera to use at work, since it's taking forever to get that other one back from the police. I don't even know if they have it. I'm gonna be so broke this month. I still don't know WTF is up with the traffic on La Ciennega because there isn't any damn traffic on the freeway. I posted all these S14 parts online for my friend Kevin. I got this stupid email telling me that I'm lame for charging so much. What he wrote was. "Are you out of your mind? $375 for a harness?!?!? Is it made of gold? You can get a brand new, camlock, 5 point harness for as little as $150. Good luck on reeling in a sucker.-Tony" What I read was. "I'm a big f*cken homosexual. I have no friends, so I'm emailing you with my useless, cheapass opinion just so you will reply and be the only mail in my inbox. I have no intention on buying this even if you lower the price, because quite frankly, I can't afford $375, I can't even afford $150 because I stand on the corner offering to lick guy's assholes for $2 a pop. I'm just a big fat f*cken loser so I have to use my suspenders and some zip ties as a safety harness. I have a dildo that I stick in my ass every day and then I fag off with my neighbor.-I'm a faggot. Tony." OK, this leads me back to the same point that I always use. NOBODY SAID YOU HAD TO BUY IT. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, OR THE PRICE, THEN JUST LET IT BE. DON'T WASTE MY F*CKEN TIME. YOUR OPINION MEANS SH*T TO ME. AND YOU'RE WORTH EVEN LESS THAN THAT. This guy has got to be the biggest loser for emailing me in the first place. Like, seriously, get a f*cken life. That hard up for someone to email you back huh? Are you 35 and live with your parents? Mind your business. F*cken kink! Stupid people that waste my time piss me off. If andyone gets bored you can go ahead and send porn mail to this fag. ~~/> Tony Schulz is the kink's name. Try not to bother his parents, because I am sure that he lives with them. He's just that lame. Let's see, what did I eat for dinner? Two hot dogs and the leftover tuna pasta. I still smell like garlic. WTF? There was supposed to be a homeowners association meeting, but they cancelled it. I wanted to tell them that they sucked and to pay for my camera, tripod, and damn expensive window. YOU SUCK! You think for $280 a month in fees, they could get a f*cken security camera. Or even some fat f*ck wannabe cop to sit there, sweat, and eat all day. Smackdown was really lame tonight. |
Friday. May 10, 2002.
I found some junk yard in Sun Valley that had my window for $100. When I called, I could just tell that this dude was way overweight. It was like "[breathe heavily] hello. [breathe heavily] what did [breathe heavily] you [breathe heavily] need? Yeah, [long pause], [breathe heavily] I got [breathe heavily] it." It took like 20 minutes just to f*cken get an answer from him. So I asked Jonny to go pick it up for me in the morning since it was pretty close to his house and way for from mine. He went there, and this fat, poor excuse for a living being says that he thought they had it, but they don't. So now I'm feeling bad cuz Jonny was waiting for this fat f*ck to walk to the back, which had to be a 30 minute trek for him, and come back with nothing. Jonny finds some dude around the corner that has it,but says it's gonna take a couple hours to pull it out. Everything at work was normal, in fact, we finished a bunch of stories. I went to that shop again to pick up my window, since it's been long over "a couple hours." The guy tells me that he thought I was coming tomorrow so he didn't take it out. OH NO F*CKEN WAY I DROVE TO SUN VALLEY FOR NO REASON. After talking sh*t to him for a little bit, he said he'd take it out but I'd have to wait. So there I am, waiting, standing in the office of some junk yard for like 45 minutes. On the way there, I text messaged Selina to see if she wanted me to visit her since I've never visited her in the 4 years that I've known her. I started going home on the 5 fwy and it was packed! Stop and go traffic the whoooole way home. I was thinking if I should stay in traffic longer on the 5 fwy so I could get to the 710 fwy or just take the 110 fwy. I took the 110 fwy, wrong choice. I've never seen this much traffic, it just looked like a parking lot. But in reality, it was just a bunch of f*cknuts that can't drive. I thought I had it good when I finally made it to the 405 fwy, but it was equally packed. Drunko called me and told me she was stuck in mad traffic too. They closed the 57 fwy so she had to get off on Glassell and take side streets home. Apparently everyone else had the same idea, so she's stuck in traffic on side streets. It took me about 2.5 hours to finally get home. Selina text messaged me back, but I was already home. Maybe next time, Mexican. Chuck was already here with Jean so we were gonna go to my beloved D&B to watch the Lakers game. I had to kill some time anyway because I was waiting for Junko to finish eating dinner so we could go drink. Plans had to change since Jean took like 20 minutes to change. WTF? We ended up going to the bar at Alcapulco. On the way there, we saw some huge billboard for some strip club in Signal Hill. How gross is that? I haven't seen one hot girl in Signal Hill. It's just gonna be like a bunch of fat chola girls. It was packed, so it took us forever to find a seat that faced one out of the ten f*cked up TVs. I walked back to the car to get my glasses since I couldn't see sh*t. The waitress came back and told me they didn't have all the stuff to make my Snakebite. I asked her if she had Guiness. "No." Then I asked if they had Pear Cider. "No." So, you said you didn't have all the stuff to make a Snakbite. "Yeah." No. What you really meant was that you have NOTHING to make the Snakebite. Give me a Zombie, I guess. For as strong of a drink as the Zombie is, it comes in a pretty p*ssy looking glass. We changed tables again, and we got some fat waitress. When she brought our food back, she was like "damn, that smells good." LOL! I'm sitting there thinking if there's a piece missing of my quesadilla. The Lakers won, so that's a good thing. I left one mexican egg roll on the plate, and the waitress kept walking her fatass back and forth to try and clear our table. Or fill her fat stomach, however you want to look at it. "Are you guys done with this?" Trippen. I should have just left that last egg roll for her tip. I was way too drunk now to go out with Junko. Sorry Drunko =T. |
Saturday. May 11, 2002.
I was talking to Ruth around midnight and she was telling me that I was supposed to meet up with her at lunctime. Uh, nobody told me, but that's cool. I was gonna get ready for bed and then call her back. I totally fell asleep. I woke up at 1am and was like "OH SH*T!" I called her back and left some retarded sounding vmail, then went back to sleep. I woke up early, went to my parent's house to get my 240, then went to PJ's to get my window put in. When I got there, he said that it was Oscar's birthday so nobody could do it. So I drove around looking for a phone book so I could find an auto glass place. I finally found one on Valley that said it'd only take 45 minutes to do. Fine, that's cool with me. The dude that fixed my window was some Mexican and he wanted to move my car. I warned him, like I warn everyone, that the clutch is really hard to drive. He said it was no problem, just like everyone I tell says. Stalled it big time, and just gave the keys back to me and had me move my car. Ruth was still waiting for Tyrone to make up his mind about what he wanted to do. They finished my window at around 1:30pm so I just ended up going to eat with Will and JA. I couldn't wait any longer, I was starving. How come when there's a hot waitress girl working, we always end up getting the BG guy waitress? Ruth said to go to her friend, Connie's, house after I finished eating. I felt kinda weird since I didn't know her friend, plus I didn't even really know Ruth. I went anyway, and I'm surprised I found it because the directions were all weird. We started going to Tyrone's friend's house in Huntington Beach. I felt bad that I was driving my 240, because the windows were down and totally messing up Ruth's hair, so I went back and changed back to my A4. Tyrone's directions were actually worse than the ones that Ruth gave me earlier. When we finally got there, I came to the conclusion that it was NOT a party. It was like a bunch of drunk dudes kicking it. After a while, Ruth and I went back to Connie's because she was having a party or something there also. When we got there, nobody was there yet. OK. Finally, two girls showed up and I ended up knowing one of them. Her name is Apryl, and she's friends with nipples Jeff. She actually marinated like 20 lbs. of Korean BBQ overnight to bring to my house once. Ruth ended up leaving early because she was tired. I was contemplating if I should leave or not since I really didn't know anyone there. But then I was thinking about it and I'm ususally not home during the weekend so now that I am, I have nothing to do. So I might was well stay. I just talked to Apryl the whole time, since I didn't know anybody else. Damn, she ate like the whole time she was there. I was getting tired, so I left. Plus I think everyone else there was a lot younger or something. I felt bad for Connie since these little suckaz were being all disrespectful and messing up the house. On the way home, I realized that I didn't even eat dinner. No wonder I'm hungry. But it's way too late to be eating carbs. |
Sunday. May 12, 2002.
I got home around 1am and I realized that Jean cleaned the whole house. What a weirdo. I signed on for a while, but I figured nobody else would be online since they probably had lives. Selina was on, and she asking me what I was doing in Sun Valley and what not. Then Jeannie was telling me some stuff about how she lives with her friend and his mom. Ooook. Jean came home with Cindy and Krissy. I haven't seen Krissy in like 8 years maybe. And Cindy was drunk off her ass. It's cool that Jean just brought them home since I was like sitting in some shorts and a wifebeater like a ghetto bum. They ate Del Taco and we spent like hours trying get Cindy to sober up. She's a real light weight, so she only had 3 drinks anyway. She ended up sleeping in the living room. The whole time, I was just looking at this Church's Chicken flier, and it looked so damn good. Haha. I went to sleep at like 4am. I woke up at 8am to send a message to Ruth, cuz I figured she'd oversleep and miss her Sunday school class. I went back to sleep, and woke up around 9am. Didn't really have any plans for the day, except to go to Church's Chicken, mmmmmm. Damn, it was like 95 f*cken degrees outside, that's way to hot for me. I talked to Ruth for the whole day, longer than I've ever talked to anybody in one day. Stuff that happened while I was talking to her: looked for a Mobil gas station close to my house and didn't find one so I had to go super far to one in Long Beach, went to Church's to get chicken, watched the Lakers win, made some crazy chicken sandwich for dinner and next days lunch, and that'd pretty much it. She said she was going to call me back, but I fell asleep. |
Monday. May 13, 2002.
2am, Ruth calls me back. We only talked for a little bit since it was late and we already talked for the majority of Sunday. Surprisingly, there wasn't any traffic going to work. Nothing interesting happened at work. I think we're still trying to get another associate editor. Maybe two if we're lucky. I sent a mass email to tell everyone about the upcoming bdays and events this month. I got no replies. Why do I even bother? They're all grown ups, if they can't remember dates, then too bad. It's not my responsibility to keep everyone updated on what's going on. After work, there wasn't any traffic either. When I got home, Ruth called me so we could go eat dinner. I picked TGIF in Puente Hills because it's like the midpoint for us. I went upstairs to change, since I was dressed like a bum at work. Damn, I need a haircut. There wasn't any traffic on the 605 fwy and 60 fwy either, now that's amazing. It almost makes up for all that bullsh*t traffic I sat in on Friday, almost. Mmmm, steak. I gave up my stupid no-potato diet because, well, potatoes are f*cken good. Hmm, I'm not sure if I wrote about how those ghetto f*cks at the airport parking lot stole my cologne out of my car. Next to stealing underwear or being a lunatic that has no idea what you're talking about, that's pretty much as ghetto as it gets. I had two Snakebites, damn those are good. I played with Buddy in the parking lot, he's a f*cken cute ass dog. Total girl magnet. I should take him to the mall with my god son and see what happens. Haha. I went home, made tomorrow's lunch, and talked to Ruth. I really, really need a haircut. I kinda want to bring my car to Extreme Autofest this weekend, but no other Kyosho cars are going. Jimmy is in DC, so he doesn't want to come down when he gets back. Junko has finals. Hmm, maybe I can find a booth or something. Stance, maybe? |
Tuesday. May 14, 2002.
I went to sleep at like 2am or something. I don't know how I can stay up so late talking to Ruth, I usually sleep at 12am or so. Dude, WTF is up with the traffic? Straight took almost 2 hours to get to work. There better be blood. But, nooooo. Some f*cknut trucker dropped his lumber on the freeway or some sh*t. WTF is this? Davey Crocket? Daniel Boon? WTF is this dude doing with lumber on the freeway? Is it the lumberjack championships in West LA? LAME! I called Kevin at Stance to see if the whole booth thing would be possible for this weekend. Damn, I have much sh*t to take care of for the next few months. Another pproject car to build up, mad proposals to write, crazy planning to do. I'm thinking ulcer sometime really soon. Some dude from Stance called me back and he said it should be OK to park my car in their booth, but he'd have to call me back to let me know for sure. Plus I have to plan my trip for Houston and Hawaii. I wonder if Kel or Drunko can go with me. At least I'd be there with someone I know I can have fun with. They both need a vacation anyway. My hair is getting longer by the minute, damn. After work, I went with Jean and Cindy to TGIF to watch the Lakers win. Happy Hour, woohoo! On the way there, it was mad congested on the freeway again. I just talked to Ruth the whole time, I'm trying to convince her to let me borrow Buddy. After we ate and watched the game, I went home and made this crazy chicken sandwich for lunch. If I keep making different things for lunch, my turkey is gonna go bad. Cingular is giving me a headache, it hung up on Ruth so many times. She sells Cingular too, I told her to call them and tell them that they SUCK! |
Wednesday. May 15, 2002.
If I keep staying up until 2am talking to Ruth, I'm gonna run out of energy. Not like I have a lot to begin with. Traffic was OK going to work, still some stupid cars driving slow. I don't even know how many proposals I typed today for our project car. Thank God for my business writing classes. Damn, this chicken sandwich is good. I'm not sure what's up with the weather, but it's been hot the past couple of days and it's really cold today. Earthquake anyone? I stayed kinda late at work, then I had to go look for a present for Nads. Sara and Wenders are fighting again, and I somehow get involved again. I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE SIDES. I keep telling them both, I have no idea why they're fighting. Sara said that Wenders told her that she knew me first and that Sara isn't allowed to be my friend. First off, I hate shopping. Second, I have no idea what the hell to get for a guy. Anyway, there was crazy traffic on the way home. Good thing Ruth called me, since she was stuck in traffic too. WTF, though? That's one of the reasons I left work later, so I wouldn't have to sit in stupid ass traffic. I ended up going to Tilly's and got a shirt for Nads. A button up short sleeve, like he always wears. Figured that was the easiest thing to do. I got a shirt for myself and a pair of pants. I never try the clothes on before I buy them, so these probably won't fit. When I got home, I found out i was right and they didn't fit. Jean made this steak and mushroom sandwich for dinner, good stuff. I made another one for lunch. Washed my white laundry. Took some Nyquil and talked to Ruth, trying to get her to fall asleep on the phone and start snoring so I could record it and leave it on my voice mail. It didn't work. Damn, my hair is looking like Jonny's fro. |
Thursday. May 16, 2002.
Happy birthday Nads. I'm not sure how much longer I can last with 5 hours of sleep a night. It's worth it though, Ruth is super cool to talk to. This should be a fun day since Farrah planned this big surprise party for Nads. That's so awesome and I'm so envious of my friends that have a girl that does stuff like that for them. =( Jonny and I acted like it was just another day, didn't even acknowledge that it was Nads' birthday. Yamz almost blew it when he gave Nads a present in the morning then told him that his wife emailed everyone telling them it was his bday. I called Farrah and told her that the secret might be out, but Jonny and I would play damage control. She was SUPER pissed. So the rest of the day, we just kept playing it off like we didn't know what was up. Nads said he had to leave early because he was going to dinner with the wifey, so we're just like "alright, laters." So he left all sad. Haha. Pung Yao Kel showed me this little flash sample she made for my website, it's really dope. Thanks PYK, 145. Before you ask, she needs to do more to it before I put it up. I drove Jonny to the bar where the party was at. That place is super tiny. Everyone from work was there so we had nowhere to sit. Finally, Nads showed up but he didn't see us for a while. He was at this other booth talking to Farrah's friends, then he noticed that we were there. And he was like "oh you f*ckers!" It was funny because when he went home, he asked Farrah if she told anyone it was his birthday. And she told him that she told me. He was like "What? Man, you told Ricky? He didn't even say happy birthday. that's messed up. :(" Hahahah. We rule! Guiness for everyone. Farrah tried to get the area around the pool table because it was much bigger and could fit everyone. But some c*ck sucker wouldn't give up the table. So he wanted to play for the table. His ghetto, Hawaii shirt wearing ass thought he could be smooth and mack on Farrah. I was three seconds away from bashing his head in with the pool cue, maybe two seconds. He wont the first game, even though we actually won because he scratched the 8-ball. Anyway, we played another game and Nads and I are totally whooping his ass. On my shot, he tried to be slick and tell me that I was solids and not stripes. I KNEW we were stripes. He gave off a little smirk, trying to f*cken cheat. I gave him a dirty ass look, and told him I was "mildy amused." I think he was too drunk to realize that I had no problems kicking his ass. Because I made it very obvious when I said, "well, this is getting stupid. how about I just kick the sh*t outta you for the table?" We won anyway, but we didn't even really play after that. Haha. I was talking to this dude that works for a PR firm that handles Nissan's account. After talking to him a while, telling him how gay freshalloy was, he's like "oh sh*t, do you have that blue 240 with the S15 front end and motor?" I'm like, yeah. He goes, damn, we have a full blown up poster of your car from the Import Tuner cover and Super Street cover in our future productions office. And that they're account manager had a huge poster of my car in his office. That's f*cken tight! Even though I don't even know where I can get a hold of a poster of my car. I missed Smackdown tonight, too. See what I sacrifice for my friends? Jeannie called me and said I don't call anyone back. Psshhh. I call everyone back, almost. Haha. I made another steak sandwich for lunch tomorrow and talked to Ruth until she knocked out. |
Friday. May 17, 2002.
We were planning to go into work late, but I can't really sleep in. Ruth called me pretty early to say good morning, how sweet. Hehe. I mean, umm, that's cool. So I got to work at like 8:30am because there was no traffic. I was hoping Jonny would be there so we could drop off this car at the body shop. I can tell when Nads drinks the night before, because his voice is always f*cked up. Haha. I talked to Wenders for a bit in the morning, trying to figure out why I keep getting involved with the dispute between her and Sara. I came up with this conclusion. Don't acknowledge each other, don't talk to each other, don't IM each other, don't call each other, don't e-mail each other, don't text message each other, and pretty much don't have any contact with each other. There's no point in fighting. I finally booked my tickets for Houston. Good thing I took some crappy flight times, so they were pretty cheap still. Jonny didn't get in until like 10am. I wanted to drop the car off right away so we could come back, eat lunch, and I could leave. I had to go to Signal to drop off some mags, then get a haircut because it was long overdue. Jonny didn't want to go until 11:30am because he wanted to eat Pho' out in Rosemead. I brought my lunch, so I didn't really wanna eat Pho'. Plus I didn't wanna smell like Pho' for the rest of the day. He wanted Pho' pretty bad, so I just went with him. He paid for it, though. Thanks J. Wo. When we got back, we tried to find some issues of SS so I could take them to Signal. But the magazine place was sold out. I called Patty and she said she'd go around and buy a bunch for me then drop them off to Signal for me too. Thanks babe.Hehe. She was totally drunk anyway, haha. Why the hell is some idiot IMing me asking if I was selling parts for a Nissan because he forgot what I had? Then he wanted me to list everything and asking a bunch of stupid questions. Stupid f*cks like that, I'd rather not sell them sh*t because they waste my time. I'm super impatient when it comes to stupid asses wasting my time. Like I don't have important sh*t to do. When I left, there was mad traffic on the 405 freeway. I came home so I could put my lunch in the fride, since I didn't eat it. Then I went on my quest for a haircut place. I finally found one, but it was some BG dude and he said it'd be a 30 minute wait. So then I looked for another one, found a Super Cuts. It was an hour wait, but I was too lazy to look for another place so I waited. The slut that cut my hair must have been retarded because she f*cked my hair up. I said I DIDN'T want to look like I was in the Marines. Anyway, Jeannie called me and told me she was making dinner and asked if I wanted to stop by and kick it with her. I had to shower first, since that haircut slut didn't even get any of the hair off of me. Some dudes car broke on the offramp, so I pulled into a parking lot, walked over, and asked him if he needed help pushing the car somewhere. He said it was OK, so I bailed. At least I offered. I came home and Jean was telling me this long ass story about how her stupid ex boyfriend didn't appreciate all the sh*t she did for him. What a dick. If he wasn't 6'5" I'd kick the sh*t outta him. I forgot I told Ruth that I'd go shoe shopping with her, so I had to cancel on Jeannie. Ruth and I went to the Puente Hills mall again so she could look for shoes. I hate shopping. Then we went to eat at Chili's. Some little Mexican kid came up, selling roses. I bought one for Ruth, but then the waitress kicked the kid out and said he couldn't sell them in the restaurant. So I gave him the rose back, and I got my money back. Stupid waitress. The country fried steak I got was HUGE. Oh yeah, Ruth paid too. Thanks sweetie. After we ate, we played with Buddy for a bit, and went home. When I got home, I realized that my cable doesn't work. WTF?! Great. Ruth is totally knocked out, it's only 12am, so I'm super bored. My body is so used to going to sleep at 2:30am and now I really have nothing to do. |
Saturday. May 18, 2002.
Jean came home and she was all pissed off about her ex boyfriend thing. So instead of sleeping early, I ended up hearing her talk sh*t until like 4am. I woke up at 8am and drove to my parent's house. Umm, I don't know how well this is going to work out since it's starting to rain. I don't know why the f*ck I decided to wear shorts today. I drove by the car wash first, just because I'm not feeling like washing my car myself. Spent like an hour just taking some stickers off of my hood. I don't know why, but I've been listenting to the words to "Pardon Me" by Incubus very closely. The words are very meaningful. I didn't think I had to be at Pomona until like 2pm, so I was bored as hell lounging around. I finally went to the car wash around noon, and Jack from Stance calls me and tells me he's already there. The dudes at the car wash made me test drive their car because they said there was something wrong with the new clutch they put in their Focus. I go to Pomona and park my car there. Met up with Ruth and played with Buddy most of the time. It was beyond boring at the show, though. Lloyd and all the Art N' Motion guys were there, so that was cool too. Afterwards, Ruth and I went to eat In N' Out. I felt bad because she had to drive me all the way home, since I left my car at the show. There was nothing to do at my house, since my cable doesn't work. Buddy pissed on my carpet, but that's OK, I guess. I just need to remember to not sleep on that part of the floor when I'm drunk. I was supposed to go with Lloyd and them to Chillers, but I have no car. =T I just talked to Ruth until she fell asleep. Actually, she was sleeping for a long ass time and I was just sitting around on the phone. I thought she was going to wake up, but I took a shower, did my laundry, and came back. She was still sleeping. Then my phone cut out, stupid Cingular, so I went to sleep. It was like 2:30am by now. |
Sunday. May 19, 2002.
Lloyd was supposed to pick me up at 6:30am so I woke up at 6am. Nobody called me, so I just kept hitting snooze until about 7:15am. I was worried that they forgot about me or something. But then he called and told me they were on their way to pick me up. We all rolled to Pomona and sat at the boring show all day. The turnout was super weak, the judging was weak, the security was weak, and everything else was weak. I got to meet Ryan, so that was pretty dope. He didn't bring Tiff or Jas with him though. They had mid terms or something. He said maybe next weekend. I was walking around with Ruth when he found me. We were trying to get some people into the show and we were kinda running around trying to find the main gate. I totally didn't want him to think I was brushing him off, because I wasn't. So after we got the people in, I went around looking for Ryan. Now mind you, I have pretty bad eyesite, I'm tired as f*ck, and I have a really bad short term memory. I'm surprised I found him. He kept asking to drive my car, so I told him to sit in the car and see how crazy the clutch is. I was supposed to look for models for us, but most of the girls there were so ugly anyway. Especially that one bitch dressed in Cambo army gear. Really looking hot while she's scarfing down like three chili dogs. Haha. Nasty. After the show, I was going to go eat with Lloyd and them, but then I ended up staying in the 909 and ate at the Elephant Bar with Ruth. Lloyd and them were stuck on the side of the freeway anyway. I ate a chicken salad since I can't eat steak around her. =T We ended up sitting in my car for the longest time, waiting for her brother. On the way home they closed the 57 freeway! WTF?! It took me over an hour and a half to get home. On top of that, I still had to go to my Mom's house and then to my house. Ruth was trying to talk to me the whole time, to keep me awake, but she ended up falling asleep. My battery died anyway. I'm wondering if that lunch meat in the fridge is still good. Probably not, but I just made a salami sandwich for tomorrow. If I get sick, then I'll know for sure. Talk about living dangerously. |
Monday. May 20, 2002.
2am, Ruth realizes that she fell asleep on me so she calls me back. I'm totally knocked out and she's halfway awake and we're mumbling a bunch of gibberish to each other. I convinced her that we should both go back to sleep. I don't know what's up with all these ants in my bathroom, but they must die! At work, I spent most of the day looking for a digital satellite company, since our cable company sucks big, fat, hairy, monkey nuts. Our cable was already hooked up when we moved in, since we were watching it when we moved in. Now the bitch wants to charge $30 for a "technician" to come out here and hook it up again. Then $15 for each extra room we add. Bitch must be out of her f*cken mind. I found a few companies. Ruth told me there was this one lady that she met that was selling stuff for Direct TV. I knew that Ruth wasn't a selfish person. I guess she would get $20 for each person she referred to that lady. But she told me just to use that money and get the units for cheaper. Most people I know would have just kept the commission and not said sh*t about it. I called this lady and she sounds like she's getting f*cked or taking a mean sh*t. I'm thinking, maybe I should call her back. But she kept talking and doing whatever else she was doing to make her breathe all heavily and talk weird. I still need to return my pants that I bought from Tilly's, but I'm just too damned lazy. I made chili dogs for myself for dinner. I didn't realize that the chili I bought had Tabasco already mixed in. So this sh*t was super spicy. I had to look up since my TV doesn't work. I was super tired tonight. I was heating up this fried chicken patty to make a sandwich for lunch tomorrow. I always get worried when I cook chicken, so I put it in the toaster oven and cranked that sh*t up to high. It started splattering since it was so greasy, so I moved the patty over a few inches on the foil. After a few minutes, I smelled something burning so I looked back. OH SHIT! That pile of grease caught on fire. Haha. Damnit! Actually, it was OK since my patty didn't get burnt that bad. But the whole house smelled like burnt food. Then I had to clean up all the dead ants that I killed this morning. I talked to Ruth for a bit and her cell battery died. When she was changing phones, I totally fell asleep. She called back later and we talked for a bit, until I totally knocked out. |
Tuesday. May 21, 2002.
*Yawn* I'm so f*cken tired today. I knew that staying up late would finally catch up to me. Plus I've been having some pretty f*cked up dreams lately. I am Ruth's wakeup call in the morning so she can make it to school on time. Earlier today than usual because she had to buy books and a parking permit. WTF is up with the 405 freeway and all this gayass traffic? I was so tired that I got off on the wrong exit. Good thing that sh*t wrapped around and still had a La Ciennega exit. We had our weekly meeting and everyone got yelled at. I ate that semi-burnt chicken patty sandwich for lunch. It didn't taste as bad as I thought it would. I mean if you like burnt food, I guess it would have been pretty good. I was so tired that I fell asleep at work. It was pretty easy, I just turned my chair away from the door and pretended I was reading a magazine. I heard my phone buzzing so it woke me up. By this time my leg as asleep and I was starting to drool everywhere. Totally incoherent, I tried to sell this dude some B16A motors. After I got off the phone, I totally needed to walk around to get the blood back into my leg. After work I met up with Ruth at the block. What? Traffic? You don't say. Ruth got lost going to the Block like 5 times. First she went on the 405 freeway North, when I told her she was going the wrong way, she turned around and went on the 405 freeway South and pased the 55 freeway North. She got off the freeway and went back on the 405 North and took it to the 55 freeway North. Of course, somehow this is all my fault. We walked around looking for air fresheners but couldn't find any FOB stores that sold them. I hate those faggots that try and sell me Cingular phones. Like I want another phone on their f*cked up service. Since we didn't find any air fresheners in Orange, we went to a place that would have them for sure. Rowland Heights. We went to Life Plaza to get them, then we ate there. I don't know when they raised the prices on My Shaldan air fresheners, but that's super wack. Life Plaza is always the bomb place to eat because their food is good and super cheap. Annie called me earlier, so I called her when I was getting gas. She didn't answer so I left her a message. When I got home, I was super tired. I didn't even want to make lunch. So I just figured that I would bring some of my 50 TV dinners tomorrow. I talked to Ruth for a bit and she fell asleep. *(-_-)ZzZzZz* It's kind of a good thing though, since I was so f*cken tired anyway. Annie finally called me back at like 12:30am, but I was too tired to answer. My neck still hurts, somebody still owes me a massage. |
Wednesday. May 22, 2002.
Am I still tired? Yes. One of these days I'm going to catch up on my sleep. But not today. Maybe when I die. Ruth actually woke up before than me. She called me when I was in the shower, but I missed the call. Everyone wonders why I take so many showers a day. I just like to be clean, unlike some smelly people. Annie finally got a hold of me, and I filled her in with what I've been doing lately. Which is pretty much nothing. Ruth told me that one of her faggot friends was talking sh*t to her for hanging out with me. Why is she hanging out with me? You wanna know why? Cuz I'm Rikdaddy. And don't worry about what the f*ck I be doing. If you don't like it, then go f*ck yourself. If you have sh*t to say, say it to me. If you're too big of a pu*s, then eat a dick, cuz you're not worth two drops of monkey piss to anyone. Anyway, Kel is setting up a surprise party for her boyfriend, PC Chris. Man, how come everyone else's girlfriend does sweet things like that, but I can't even find a girlfriend. =( Charlie's Mom is in the hospital again. I feel so bad for him because I know exactly how he feels. I wish the best for his family and himself. It's a tough time to go through, and I will be here for him whenever he needs me. Nobody should have to go through this, ever. I was supposed to go to Michelle's house to eat Pho' with Ruth, but then she changed her plans. Ruth didn't think I'd feel comfortable going to Downtown Disney with a bunch of girls. It'd kinda be like when I went to 4A's, SR, and Gainesville. I guess it's kind of different since I didn't know these girls. I wanted to go spy on Jean and this new dude that she met at a club. That would have been funny. I decided I'd rather just go to Tokyo Lobby and eat some Japanese food. When I was almost there, I called Ruth and she fell asleep at her work. I got there earlier than her, so I just went to Staples and looked for some easels to hold up my magazine plaques. Ruth paid for dinner, I really need to stop promising her that she can pay for dinner. WTF?! My ATM card doesn't work! How f*cken lame! I was driving home, talking to Ruth on one phone and then Jeannie calls me on my other phone. So I'm trying to drive 80mph, hold the steering wheel with one knee, and talk on two cell phones at the same time. Not highly recommended. I tried to keep Ruth awake so she could finish her essay that she didn't finish earlier because she fell asleep. That didn't work out too well, so I just wrote the conclusion paragraph for her. I did my stupid laundry, what a hassle. Ruth's email doesn't work at home, so I had to cut and paste it on an IM to her. She fell asleep again. Jean came home with her leftovers. Yay! Lunch for tomorrow. I'm tired, so I need sleep. |
Thursday. May 23, 2002.
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Friday. May 24, 2002.
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Saturday. May 25, 2002.
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Sunday. May 26, 2002.
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Monday. May 27, 2002.
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Tuesday. May 28, 2002.
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Wednesday. May 29, 2002.
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Thursday. May 30, 2002.
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