Welcome to Ricky Chu's Webpage

I made the pics smaller for those who were complaining. They're not as clear, so you have to click on them to get a better view.

This site has changed. Click on the banner to visit my new site. Or you can just stay here and look at the old one.

And you, bring me to my knees, again. And all the times, that i had to beg you please, in vain. And all the times, that I've felt insecure, for you. And I leave my burdens at the door. I'm on the outside, I'm looking in. I can see through you, see your true colors, cause inside you're ugly, ugly like me. I can see through you, see the real you. All the times, that I felt like this won't end. It's for you, and I taste what I could never had. It's from you, all the times that I've tried. My intentions, full of pride, and I waste more time than anyone.-Staind

Click on the Kyosho logo if you want to know more info about my cars or myself.

Import Showoff Auto trophy at SpeedZone Showoff. Brought to you by Mainstream Productions, Import Showoff is the original import car show. No gross fog machines or lame bling-bling lowriders. Yeah the picture is kind of dark, the sun already set, sue me. See you in Hawaii.

Here is a picture of Angie and I at my parents company dinner. December 16, 2000.

Angie and I again. Hold up. Wait, could it be? Oh damn! Yes, I am wearing glasses, craziness.

Who's that pimp? If you answered Ricky, then you're absolutely wrong. I'm as far from a pimp as it gets. That pimp you see is my son. Yeah right, I'm a virgin. That's my pimp Godson Jonathan Taylor Cruz. Maybe when I'm closer to the age of 25. =)

A very rare moment, me at a club. Even if this pic was taken at a club, Rick still don't dance. Whoa, hold up. Was this picture taken on the dance floor? That's even more rare. Import Tuner Thanksgiving Party.

For those toys who say I don't drive my car. Kyosho S15 in the burn out box at NIRA in Palmdale. If all your lame ass stories were true, I would have spent $3000 in towing fees in one weekend. Get your stories straight, fags.

I figured that it'd be a good idea to write down what I do on a daily basis. Some facts might be missing, due to excessive amounts of alcohol consumption. Click on the picture of the journal to read it.

Suki and I at Moroso Florida. Hot, humid, horrible weather.

180sx drifting. Good stuff.

Check out Jonny the Ghetto Super FOB back when he actually cut his hair. It seems like I'm always wearing Kyosho shirts in these pictures. To tell you the truth, I'm not too worried about it.

A very boring, rainy day @ V-spec waiting for Will. I'm playing with the digital cam to keep myself from wondering how it takes him 4 hours to drive 1 mile.

My sister and I at Speed Zone Showoff. Hey look, it's Alfred E. Newman from MAD Magazine and he's wearing the same Kyosho shirt as me.

American Silvia. Import Tuner Magazine, May 2001. Click on Kyosho S15 to go to the Import Tuner webpage.

Click on Kyosho S15 to go back to the home page. Click on the MAGENTA to move on to page 2.